WisDOT MAPSS - Accountability - Timely Scheduling of Contracts - The continuous effort to use public dollars in the most efficient and cost-effective way.
Timely Scheduling of Contracts - The continuous effort to use public dollars in the most efficient and cost-effective way.Every year the department contracts with the road building industry to improve our transportation system through a competitive bid process. The bid let schedule is critical to the contractor's ability to plan for resources and our ability to make the most effective use of public funds. Based on industry input, our goal is 54% of annual project funds let by January 1st.
The process for timely scheduling of contracts is important because it distributes improvement projects into monthly bid lettings over the course of the state fiscal year. The department’s ultimate objectives are to maximize competitive bids, to provide the department flexibility in adjusting lettings in the last half of the fiscal year for let contract savings or overages, and to allow the department to spend additional federal funds if they are received late in the year.
1) The department will advance projects into the second half of the state fiscal year when let savings occur in the earlier lets. 2) When additional federal funds become available, the department can let more projects in the second half of the fiscal year. 3) Rejected and/or deferred bids in the first half of the year will mostly be rescheduled for let during the second half of the year. 4) Although letting large projects in the second half of the year may negatively impact the number, it provides WisDOT an opportunity to address more projects sooner.
Front-loading projects in the future years continues to be a good method to assist in meeting the performance measure. The WisDOT Project Letting Process (PLP) committee now includes a programming supervisor from each region, who works closely with other functional areas in establishing the lets. This will be beneficial in working toward achieving the performance measure even when project moves are requested. Additionally, the importance of this measure is being emphasized to all staff in the program area to ensure everyone understands the need to meet the goal for future years. Continued relationship with the Office of Asset and Performance Management will also provide the necessary guidance to assist in adjusting the program.