WisDOT MAPSS - Accountability - Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program - The continuous effort to use public dollars in the most efficient and cost-effective way.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program - The continuous effort to use public dollars in the most efficient and cost-effective way.The department aims to ensure that the transportation program operates equitably for everyone who utilizes it throughout the state. The purpose of WisDOT’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program is to remove barriers and provide access for small, minority- and women-owned firms in an effort to increase the talent pool of contractors performing high-quality work throughout the state highway system. DBE goals are reevaluated on a triennial basis. The current goal covers fiscal years 2024-2026 and aims to ensure that at least 12.42% of federal funds authorized for highway financial assistance support the work of DBEs.
The department aims to ensure that the transportation program operates equitably for everyone who utilizes it throughout the state. That goes beyond everyone behind the wheel and includes the workers who build, repair and maintain all of Wisconsin’s roads and bridges. The purpose of WisDOT’s DBE program is to remove barriers and provide access for small, minority- and women-owned firms in an effort to increase the talent pool of contractors who are prepared for and interested in performing high-quality work throughout the state highway system.
Some of the most common issues in pairing DBE firms with prime contractors are similar to what’s seen throughout the workforce, such as worker readiness and capacity to take on the work. Communication and marketing can also be difficult for some of the smaller, emerging firms when simply trying to make meaningful connections with prime contractors. As smaller businesses, DBEs also may have a harder time weathering challenges such as project delays, material cost increases, and significant changes in project scope. WisDOT's DBE Support Services Office provides many resources to assist DBEs in becoming successful at facing such challenges.
A major factor in the improved DBE numbers has been the support services provided to the DBEs. WisDOT’s DBE Support Services include the Mentor-Protégé Program where DBEs learn from prime contractors and the Mobilization Loan Guarantee Program that enables DBEs to get a loan for up to half of their awarded contract amount. This helps the DBE to have cash flow to manage awarded subcontracts. In addition, WisDOT worked closely with industry to capture DBE participation after contract execution through the life of our projects. Networking events have also been a major contributing factor to DBE utilization. WisDOT has put in considerable efforts along with its partners to increase the number of networking events across the state to provide opportunities for DBEs and primes to meet and develop working relationships.