Mobility - Incident Response - WisDOT MAPSS Performance Improvement Program

WisDOT MAPSS - Mobility - Incident Response - Delivering transportation choices that result in efficient trips and no unexpected delays.

Incident Response - Delivering transportation choices that result in efficient trips and no unexpected delays.

Prompt clearance of traffic incidents on our Interstate system helps to restore mobility, reduces the risk of secondary incidents, and minimizes the economic impact of congestion. The new goal is to clear 90% of all intermediate incidents in less than two hours, and 80% of all major incidents in less than four hours.

Incidents on the interstate and state highway system can range from minor property damage to serious traffic crashes. This measure focuses on the amount of time it takes to clear such incidents to restore safe traffic flow. Intermediate traffic incidents typically affect travel lanes and usually require traffic control on the scene to divert road users past the blockage. Major traffic incidents usually involve hazardous material (HAZMAT) spills, overturned tractor-trailers, fatalities, multiple vehicles, and/or other natural or manmade disasters. Major incidents can result in closing all or part of a roadway. Restoring the roadway to full operation as quickly as possible helps reduce secondary incidents, minimize delay for people and freight, and decreases the associated economic impact of traffic delays.

Incident clearance times may be affected by: incident location, the time required to respond, limited access for emergency responders in construction zones, time of day, weather conditions and complexity of the incident.

Technology continues to create opportunities to streamline incident response. Unmanned aerial systems, for example, expedite data collection and enable Wisconsin State Patrol officers to stay further from live traffic. Advanced warning equipment in patrol vehicles will provide additional safety benefit for those approaching incidents. The department also is looking into debris removal systems. The Traffic Incident Management Enhancement (TIME) program continues to be an important focus as well. Since 2012, there have been more than 21,500 responders trained, which is over 55% of all those operating in the state. Wisconsin is recognized as a national leader in TIM and the department anticipates surpassing a nationally set goal of 60% of responders trained statewide by 2025. To learn more about these efforts, visit