WisDOT MAPSS - Service - DMV Driver License Road Test Scheduling - High quality and accurate products and services delivered in a timely fashion by a professional and proactive workforce.
DMV Driver License Road Test Scheduling - High quality and accurate products and services delivered in a timely fashion by a professional and proactive workforce.Upon reaching eligibility, customers scheduling a first-time driver skills test expect to find adequate appointment slots available at their preferred location. DMV customer service centers track the number of instruction permits issued to estimate future demand for road skills tests. Our goal is to have enough tests available to meet 90% of the estimated demand when those customers become eligible.
Customers who are eligible to schedule a Class D skills test should be able to find adequate appointment slots available at the same location where the instruction permit was processed. A lack of local availability upon eligibility creates an inconvenience for customers who must travel great distances to take a road test or delay scheduling.
While there are prerequisites for scheduling a Class D skills test, it is ultimately up to the customer to schedule their test at the location and date that best meet their needs. Some customers hold a permit beyond the minimum requirement, and some customers feel more comfortable taking a test in one location over another. These personal preferences cannot be accounted for in the established goals.
With projections available six months in advance, DMV adjusts resources as needed (temporarily or permanently) to respond to weekly fluctuations in estimated demand levels. Management follows up with offices not meeting the goals to ensure the estimated demand levels are understood and to identify circumstances that influence performance.