Preservation - State-owned Rail Line Condition - WisDOT MAPSS Performance Improvement Program

WisDOT MAPSS - Preservation - State-owned Rail Line Condition - Protecting, maintaining and operating Wisconsin's transportation system efficiently by making sound investments that preserve and extend the life of our infrastructure, while protecting our natural environment.

State-owned Rail Line Condition - Protecting, maintaining and operating Wisconsin's transportation system efficiently by making sound investments that preserve and extend the life of our infrastructure, while protecting our natural environment.

State-owned rail lines in Wisconsin are used primarily for freight, and therefore our economic productivity and competitiveness depend on our ability to provide the highest possible train operating speeds. The department's goal is to upgrade 10 miles of track every year until all 713.4 miles of publicly owned tracks are capable of operating at speeds above 10 mph.

The efficient movement of freight throughout the state enhances Wisconsin’s economic productivity and competitiveness. Optimizing daily train operating speeds ensures the safe and efficient movement of freight throughout the state.

Variability in railroad program funding levels affects the number of infrastructure improvement projects that can be initiated in a particular program cycle. Funding for track and structure projects is allocated out of the same program and needs are prioritized based on safety, transportation efficiency benefit/cost, carloads/mile, and comprehensive system considerations. In addition, railroad infrastructure projects sometimes require more than one year to complete, which can create the appearance of little progress in one year and substantial progress in the next. Moreover, acquisitions of new rail lines may increase the number of miles in the system and often include infrastructure that needs improvement to meet performance standards. Last, the overall state of the economy impacts the volume of goods transported by railroads, the revenue it produces, and reinvestment in the railroad system.

The department reviews the annual maintenance plans of companies operating on state-owned railroad track and discusses opportunities to upgrade rail track and structure conditions. The department’s rail grant and loan program funds railroad infrastructure rehabilitation projects to improve track structure and increase operating speeds each year. Annual compliance inspections are done to ensure that railroads are properly maintaining state-owned rail lines. Due to ongoing investment in rail lines and enforcement of maintenance standards, the department expects this upward trend in the percent of miles meeting FRA’s Class 2 operating standards to continue.