FAQ - WisDOT MAPSS Performance Improvement Program

Wisconsin Department of Transportation - MAPSS Performance Improvement Program - Frequently Asked Questions

What is MAPSS? 

When was MAPSS started? 

Why measure performance? 

What kind of performance measures does WisDOT track? 

When are performance measures updated? 

What does the 'Goal Met?' section mean? 

What does the 'Performance Trend' section mean? 



Core Goals: Mobility, Accountability, Preservation, Safety, and Service. These are the primary focus areas for WisDOT’s MAPSS performance improvement program, which together form the 'MAPSS' acronym. Each Core Goal contains several performance measures associated with that category.

Divisions: Within the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) there are six divisions. All divisions play a role in collecting, analyzing, summarizing, and/or reporting MAPSS data:

Goal (Goal Met): Also referred to as 'target', or 'key performance indicator'. The goal represents what the objective for that metric is. It is a quantifiable threshold that defines how well a measure must perform to meet expectations and may be based on mandates, benchmarks, or pre-existing standards. The MAPSS program uses a blue checkmark on the Scorecard and measure webpages to indicate that a performance measure has met its goal for its latest reporting cycle.

Performance Measure: A metric used by WisDOT to evaluate how well the Department is doing in specific areas across all divisions. Each performance measure has one or more associated goals which define what the expected results should be for that measure. Performance measures which meet their goal for the latest reporting period are marked by a blue checkmark on the scorecard and measure webpage.

Reporting Period: This section indicates the cycle in which the data for a measure is gathered, as well as when that measure was last reported. For example, the ‘Delay’ measure is reported annually, however the data is gathered from December through November of the next year.

Trending Arrow (Trend): An indicator of how well a measure is doing when compared to its previous data point. The trending arrow determines whether there was a statistically significant change from the last time that measure was reported. Please note that a performance measure’s trending arrow is evaluated separately from its goal. A measure can trend in one of the following ways: