Safety - WisDOT MAPSS Performance Improvement Program

WisDOT MAPSS - Safety - Moving toward minimizing the number of deaths, injuries and crashes on our roadways.

Moving toward minimizing the number of deaths, injuries and crashes on our roadways.

While Wisconsin’s safety belt usage rate reached the seventh highest in 2022, we still lag behind neighboring states, which have use rates of more than 90 percent. We were below the five-year average of 89.2.

As of December 31, there were 128,144 traffic crashes in 2022. Our long-term goal is to reduce preventable deaths (a lower number is better). Total traffic crashes for 2021: 128,296.

As of December 31, 3,193 persons received serious injuries in 2022. In 2017, the crash report was updated to reflect national standards. Total serious traffic injuries for 2021: 3,473.

As of December 31, there have been 597 fatalities in 2022. Our long-term goal is to reduce preventable deaths (a lower number is better). Total fatalities for 2021: 595. As of December 31, there have been 597 fatalities in 2022. Our long-term goal is to reduce preventable deaths (a lower number is better). Total fatalities for 2021: 595.

As of December 31, 3,193 persons received serious injuries in 2022. In 2017, the crash report was updated to reflect national standards. Total serious traffic injuries for 2021: 3,473.

As of December 31, there were 128,144 traffic crashes in 2022. Our long-term goal is to reduce preventable deaths (a lower number is better). Total traffic crashes for 2021: 128,296.

As of December 31, there have been 597 fatalities in 2022. Our long-term goal is to reduce preventable deaths (a lower number is better). Total fatalities for 2021: 595.

As of December 31, 3,193 persons received serious injuries in 2022. In 2017, the crash report was updated to reflect national standards. Total serious traffic injuries for 2021: 3,473.

As of December 31, there were 128,144 traffic crashes in 2022. Our long-term goal is to reduce preventable deaths (a lower number is better). Total traffic crashes for 2021: 128,296.

Our long term vision is to decrease the number of preventable deaths on Wisconsin roadways.

Goal: To reduce the number of traffic fatalities by 2% each year from the prior five-year rolling average.

Our long term vision is to decrease the number of preventable serious injuries on Wisconsin roadways.

Goal: To reduce the number of serious traffic injuries by 2% each year from the prior five-year rolling average.

Our long term vision is to decrease the number of preventable traffic crashes on Wisconsin roadways.

Goal: Our goal is to reduce the number of traffic crashes by 2%? each year from the prior five-year rolling average.?

Our long term vision is to decrease the number of preventable deaths on Wisconsin roadways.

Goal: To reduce the number of traffic fatalities by 2% each year from the prior five-year rolling average.

Our long term vision is to decrease the number of preventable serious injuries on Wisconsin roadways.

Goal: To reduce the number of serious traffic injuries by 2% each year from the prior five-year rolling average.

Our long term vision is to decrease the number of preventable traffic crashes on Wisconsin roadways.

Goal: Our goal is to reduce the number of traffic crashes by 2% each year from the prior five-year rolling average.

Our long term vision is to increase the seat belt usage rate on Wisconsin roadways to prevent/reduce injury severity and death.

Goal: To increase the seat belt usage rate by 2% from the prior five-year rolling average.

Our long term vision is to decrease the number of preventable deaths on Wisconsin roadways.

Goal: To reduce the number of traffic fatalities by 2% each year from the prior five-year rolling average.

Our long term vision is to decrease the number of preventable serious injuries on Wisconsin roadways.

Goal: To reduce the number of serious traffic injuries by 2% each year from the prior five-year rolling average.

Our long term vision is to decrease the number of preventable traffic crashes on Wisconsin roadways.

Goal: Our goal is to reduce the number of traffic crashes by 2% each year from the prior five-year rolling average.

Our long-term vision is to decrease the number of preventable deaths on Wisconsin roadways.

Goal: To reduce the number of traffic fatalities by 2% each year from the prior five-year rolling average.

Our long-term vision is to decrease the number of preventable serious injuries on Wisconsin roadways.

Goal: To reduce the number of serious traffic injuries by 2% each year from the prior five-year rolling average.

Our long-term vision is to decrease the number of preventable traffic crashes on Wisconsin roadways.

Goal: Our goal is to reduce the number of traffic crashes by 2% each year from the prior five-year rolling average.